What's new?

10.27.11 - The 2012 Campari calendar starring Milla and photographed by Dimitri Daniloff launches today! This is the 13th edition of the Campari calendar. Just 9,999 are produced each year. The theme for 2012 is "It's the end of the world, baby!".

Milla: "As a model and an actress, this was an exciting new challenge for me, combining the skills to bring to life each of the hypotheses in a theatrical, yet sophisticated way."

Campari Group site

Campari Unveils 2012 Calendar press conference at Visionnaire Design Gallery, Milan, Italy, October 27, 2011:

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich):

  • Hey every1! Here's a vid of the "Campari" launch party event! Njoy! tweetreel.com/?ey8wy (Oct 27)
  • Here's a pic from the "Campari" launch party! Prada made me a special dress AND a faux fur white coat! Thank u Miuccia!

  • Here's a vid of te "Campari" gallery! It's so cool! Check it! tweetreel.com/?8tbkz

Digital press kit:

10.25.11 - Faces in the Crowd is now available! [ Amazon: DVD / Blu-ray ... both include a free digital copy of the film ]

Two clips from Faces in the Crowd from Dread Central:

Clip from Faces in the Crowd from Moviehole:

10.24.11 - The winners of MillaJ.com's The Three Musketeers giveaway have been chosen! Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who entered! (Milla's character in The Three Musketeers is Milady de Winter)

10.22.11 - The Three Musketeers Japan Premiere at Ropponhi Hills arena, Tokyo, Japan, October 22, 2011:

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • What happened 2 Alice?!!!! (Oct 20)

10.21.11 - Today is the US release date for The Three Musketeers!! Official site: ThreeMusketeers-Movie.com

MillaJ.com has several The Three Musketeers packages to give away! Each package contains a t-shirt, folder, pencil, paperback copy of The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, foam sword, and carrying bag.

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich):

  • Anyway, 2morrow we leave 2 Tokyo 4 36 hrs 2 open the Japanese film festival w "3 musketeers"! But we'll b back 2 work by mon! Wuz up Tokyo!! (Oct 20)
  • Hey! On our way 2 Tokyo, cause "3 Musketeers" is opening the film festival there! (Oct 21)
  • Also, "3 musketeers" opens in the US 2night! Do you think ppl know abt the movie? Ask your friends! Do they know it's a fun family film?

First 5 minutes of The Three Musketeers from Summit Entertainment:

10.18.11 - The soundtrack for The Three Musketeers is now available from iTunes and Amazon/Amazon MP3:

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • Good morning from "camp evil"! 2day is a big day, we've got a huge cast working! @guillorybe @mrodofficial @colinsalmon24 Oded Fehr!
  • Also, Bingbing Li is starting 2day, though she's been sick poor girl! Over all I think it's gonna b a super fun day n I'll keep u all posted
  • OMG!!! On the set of RE5 n I just saw Bingbing Li in her "Ada Wong" costume! She's INSANELY gorgeous n we're just so lucky 2 hve her! What an amaZing cast, this is getting better n better everyday! *jumping up n down! (well, almost! Lol!)*
  • Ok, so this is SO SNEAKY!! I can't show a pic of Bingbing in costume, but here's a pic w the Ada haircut! Shhhh! Don't tell any1!!

  • Here is the drawing from the game of the RED DRESS! lol! And that's all I'm gonna give you or I'm in deep sh*t!!!

  • OMG!!! Ada just shot the hell out of her gun 4 the 1st time in RE!!! YEA!!!
  • Oh SNAP!!! I jst filmed the illest car crash for RE5! it's SICK!!! check this vid! Video

The Three Musketeers interview from PopSugar:

The Three Musketeers cast interview from ComingSoon:

10.17.11 - Milla won Best Science Fiction Actress at the 2011 Scream Awards! The awards show airs tomorrow night at 9pm.

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • Hey guys! Well, burnt out cars, crashed helicopters, just another day at "camp evil"! Watch this vid! Video (Oct 14)
  • U gotta luv my husband, an a.d. Came up 2 him n said that we had 2 wait 4 the "blood puddles" 2 come in, paul says "the blood puddles come in when I say they can come in." such a cool conversation 2 eavesdrop on! Lol! (Oct 15)
  • So I'm abt 2 get in the harness now 2 do my wire gags! I'm doing a flash kick 1st, I posted a vid of it a few weeks ago, then a "Valdez" backflip! Shld b fun! Hahahaha! So excited!
  • OH SHIIIIITTTT!!!! THAT WAS EFFING SIIICK!!! man, i don't care how much wire work I do, i still get butterflies in my belly right b4!!! But man I shot that sucka straight in the head! Slam mothereffin dunk, wuz up ppl?!!! Representin fo da ladies!!! Ah hahahahahaha!!!!
  • Hey every1! I see there r a lot of new ppl on my twitter page n I'd like 2 say hi! n welcome aboard! Thanks so much 4 all your amazing comments! It's so grt 3 hear how much ppl r luvin "3 musketeers" n the endless support 4 RE5! thanks so much guys! (Oct 17)
  • Now 4 all the newbies u wanted 2 let u all know how I work. I'm gonna try n update every1 as much as I can from set n then I try n answer ppl's replies n comments a few times a week or if I have more time on set between set ups I'll take a crack. Obviously I don't get 2 every1, so don't take it personally if I don't answer you, jst know my heart is in the right place n u do my best 2 get 2 as many ppl as I can. Over all tho, tighten your seatbelts, we're gonna have a fun ride, cause we r in the set of the new RE movie n it's an effin ride! Xo m
  • This is amazing! We're shooting in a "devastated neighborhood" 2day n it's awesome! Cars burning, all the peeps from around here r extras! We even have zombie children 2day! All the ppl who live around here were so down to get all dressed up as undead, they're incredible!
  • Heres a funny vid from 2day! I think the zombie gardner is just cuteness! Kind of scabby cuteness, but hey! Video
  • The funniest part is even when they yell cut, u can still hear over enthusiastic zombies eating ppl! Lol!

10.13.11 - Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • G'mornin every1 from "camp evil"! This is a long tweet so get ready! Lol! I'm abt 2 start my warmup 4 another big day ahead. We started the film w 1 of my big stunt sequences bcause we wanted everything 2 b fresh in my head rather than doing a bunch of "walk n talk" stuff that wld take up a lot of time, so I wldnt b able to train n then waste time on the day of the sequence by re learning choreography. There are already so many things that can and will go wrong on a big action/horrror film, as we learned w the accident the other day, it's dangerous, so the more prepared we are during these big scenes, the better. That's why I haven't had time to reply to any1 this week as well. In this scene, we've all come out of the rain b4 the fight, so we're wet which makes 4 a very uncomfortable set as every1 has 2 b "wet down" b4 every take and in between set ups we're all cold and damp! that makes it harder to stretch and stay warm and all my time us taken up w shooting and stretching, shooting and stretching, so I don't injure myself during the fight. Nxt week will b easier 4 me and I'll hve more time between set ups to answer ppl! Darn I have to go!
  • I'm gonna write longer tweets so I don't spam every1's timeline. 2 give u all an update on April, our zombie xtra who got injured the other day, I saw her brother here yesterday n he told me that the doctor hadnt seen her after the preliminary examination, which I hope is a good sign. She is on pain meds and staying in bed at the best fracture/injury hospital in toronto. She txted me yesterday to say that she was feeling stronger and wanted to recover quickly for her family and friends! She's so amazing! I'm hoping to talk to her later 2day and get an update. Now I've got to go start my warm up! Tweet you later!
  • Oh, here's a bit where I shoot my 2 vector guns! I ran out of ammo, but boy are they smooth! Video

The Three Musketeers interview from Digital Spy:

The Three Musketeers interview from Sugarscape:

10.12.11 - Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • G'mornin every1! Well, "camp evil" is slowly waking up after such a tough day yesterday. I jst finished make up n the sun is up, ppl r bustling abt, preparing 2 start the day. I'm glad 2 hear that April's (the girl who got injured yesterday) brother Christian is here w us this morning as a zombie extra! I'm gonna ask him how her night went and hopefully if he's here, she's doing better! I'm gonna go start wArming up for the sequence we're shooting this week n hopefully we're all gonna have a blast 2day! Thanks again for all your kind messages for our sweet, amazing zombie extras! We couldn't make these films w out their hard work and enthusiasm and we're so lucky so many ppl love to come and be a part of the RE SERIES!

  • Also, here's the updated and FINAL cast list!

    Alice: me!
    Luther: @boriskodjoe
    Rain: @mrodofficial
    One: @colinsalmon24
    Jill Valentine: @guillorybe
    Leon: Johann Urb
    Barry Burton: Kevin Durand
    Ada Wong: Li Bingbing

    So there we are folks! Now let's shoot the heck out of this film!

  • Oh jeez! And of course our gorgeous and incredible Carlos Oliveira: Oded Fehr Sorry Oded! Didn't mean to leave you out!
  • Hey every1! been having probs posting vids, but here's 1 from this morning's warm up!Ouch!That had 2 hurt Video

The Three Musketeers interview from Female First (UK) October 10, 2011:

Milla: "My mum forced me 'Read five chapters of The Three Musketeers and you get tall' that's how it worked in our house. Outside of that when my husband told me that he wanted to make The Three Musketeers my reaction was 'Really?' And then I thought 'Yeah of anyone is going to reboot the Musketeers then it is going to be Paul.'"

Milla: "I do 90% of my own stunts but with the corset and the 90lbs skirt me and my stunt double did take turns because neither one of us could survive it. But when you see my face on screen it is me."

Milla: "Popcorn entertainment is what it is and that is great but this movie is so much more faithful to the books than so many movies that I have seen - for the first time in film history that D'Artagnan is playing by an eighteen year old, yes he is older now, but it is the first true life D'Artagnan. It's the first time that we are seeing young kids playing the parts that they should be playing as they are written in the book - when you see these kids playing the King and Queen and you see Christoph and M'Lady circling like sharks around Freddie and Juno; they are young and they are vulnerable."

[ Female First (UK) October 10, 2011 ]

10.11.11 - Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • G'mornin every1! Well, I have some news that a lot of u will be interested in! We have finally cast our Ada Wong!
  • Drum roll please! So, Ada Wong in RE5 is being played by Chinese actress Li Bingbing! We're so excited! Check get out on imdb!

  • Hey every1, it's been a horrible day here at "camp evil". As a lot of u hve heard, there was an accident n a bunch of our amazing zombie extras fell in a chase sequence. One incredibly brave woman is still in the hospital, but she is recovering well, thank the Lord. The good news is, all our other extras came back after receiving medical attention at different hospitals and wanted to continue shooting! So that made us feel better to see how passionate they are! We are praying for akiko, who is still in the hospital n will go see her in a little while to make sure she's feeling ok. Oh man. I've been feeling sick to my stomach all day waiting for news on how she is. Please pray for her too! Xo m [ article ]

  • On my way to see akiko at the hospital! I'm going to show her all your incredibly sweet and supportive messages! Thanks again for all your thoughts and wishes for everyone involved!
  • I jst saw akiko (who goes by April btw) and she's in a lot of pain. She injured her back. Thank god she's moving her hands and feet and not in critical condition. She's a piano player. Her brother plays the violin. I promised her that I would come and see her every week while I'm here to give her support and strength in her recovery. I can't believe she said she wants to come back and finish her part, she's incredible. I will keep u all posted in how she's doing over these next weeks. Xo m

10.10.11 - Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • Good mornin n happy Canadian thanksgiving every1! Well this is the moment that we've been waiting 4! We r on our way 4 the 1st day of principal photography on RE5!!! (Oct 10)
  • BTW, Principal Photography is when we shoot with the main unit n the lead actors. It's where 99% of the film gets made. On bigger films you hve the "main unit" w the director n actors, also u have a "2nd" unit for anything main doesn't have time to get, which normally shoots simultaneously during a part or sometimes the whole of production. So there u have it. Oh! And sometimes you even hve a "splinter unit" -which we do- that is a small shooting unit that can travel easily and "pick up" shots i.e. We have a splinter unit going to Moscow, times square and Tokyo for this new RE! phew! I guess I've learned something about movies in 25 yrs! Lol!
  • WOWOWOWOW AND WOOHOOO!!! we r killing this new stunt sequence 4 RE5!!! I can't believe how cool everything looks! I wish I cld send pics!!!
  • So this sequence will take abt 4 days 2 film because it's got like over 200 moves in it! 2 day n 2 morrow we do all our wide shots w the giant "techno crane", then we go in 4 coverage on wed("coverage"is going in 4 close ups n other cool stuff like "head explodes" or "guts falling out") which will show show all the awesome details. Thurs we shoot everything "wide" again, but from the side 4 those amazing trailer shots, tho I hve 2 say, we've already gotten sum SICK shots that r totally trailer worthy! That's ONE LONG SEQUENCE n I gotta run on set now 2 kill sum more of my "zombuddies"! Bye!
  • Now it's time to go take some xtra strength advil, read 2 my daughter n get some rest 4 2morrow! More from "camp evil" in the am! Gnight!

The Three Musketeers interview from The Telegraph (Australia) October 9, 2011

Interview from Modern Luxury (US) October 2011:

"I've had a really great, really long, diverse career, but I feel like people are still constantly surprised that I'm good at something." Suddenly, she launches into her best mock movie critic voice to drive home the point: "Surprisingly great performance by Milla Jovovich!" It's followed by a peal of laughter, but also by the wistful acknowledgement that after more than 20 years in front of the camera, both in film and fashion, it would be nice for some more-than-faint-praise commendation. Still, it's not about to keep the woman dubbed by VH1 as "the reigning queen of kick-butt" up at night. "Whatever, it is what it is. I take everything with a pinch of salt," she says. "I feel very blessed to still be around and relevant, doing lots of exciting things with my life."

"It's like my evil baby," says the actress of the nearly decade-old Resident Evil franchise, noting that the opportunity to return again and again to the same character has been especially satisfying. "Paul and I have this incredibly creative relationship," Jovovich says. "We make fun movies together." Anderson agrees: "We have fun making movies, and the movies are designed to entertain. They are the kind of movies that if the audience stands up and cheers, we've done our job right. From a director's point of view, it's a pleasure to work with her. She literally puts 1,000 percent into what she does."

[ Full article ]

10.07.11 - Dirty Girl opens in select markets (NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles) in the US today! See the official site (DirtyGirlMovie.com) for more information.

Tweets from Milla (@MillaJovovich) from the set of Resident Evil: Retribution:

  • WOW. we jst rehearsed 1 of my big stunt sequences ON THE SET and man! I'm effing scared! I'm spending this weekend in the splits 2 prepare! (Oct 6)
  • This is THE MOST INTENSE FIGHT SEQUENCE I'VE EVER DONE! I hve 2 focus. No joke.
  • I (almost) wanna cry right now, cause this is SO IMPORTANT 2 me n RE.I'm gonna b unreachable this weekend every1.Sorry,but I hve 2 practice.

The Three Musketeers interview:

10.04.11 - Milla (wearing Salvatore Ferragamo) & Paul at the world premiere of The Three Musketeers at Vue Westfield in London, England, October 4, 2011:

Milla: "I haven't seen the finished product so if it isn't good my husband's going to get a hook in the ribs with a short stick."

Paul: "She's my harshest critic and I'm her biggest fan, so when she's happy it makes me very happy, and so far she's been happy."

[ Full article ]

Clarification from Milla's Twitter (@MillaJovovich) regarding comments in an interview with Telegraph (UK) October 2, 2011: "BTW, a comment was posted abt me saying "male models shld b ashamed of themselves..." it didn't mention that I said it w a heavy e.European accent pretending 2 b my dads macho friends! Lol! Also, I was making an observation that successful male models do the job on the side, while still going 2 college or pursuing other careers since modeling is a short lived career. For ALL models. There r many exceptional, extremely talented male models, but they ALWAYS made sure to work hard on something other than modeling."

Short interview from MTV with Milla & Paul about Resident Evil: Retribution:

Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Interview with Paul about Resident Evil: Retribution from Collider:

10.03.11 - S Moda El Pais October 2011 (photographed by Eric Guillemain):


  • Telegraph (UK) October 2, 2011 ... (from Milla's Twitter (@MillaJovovich): "BTW, a comment was posted abt me saying "male models shld b ashamed of themselves..." it didn't mention that I said it w a heavy e.European accent pretending 2 b my dads macho friends! Lol! Also, I was making an observation that successful male models do the job on the side, while still going 2 college or pursuing other careers since modeling is a short lived career. For ALL models. There r many exceptional, extremely talented male models, but they ALWAYS made sure to work hard on something other than modeling.")
  • Flicks and Bits October 2, 2011 - discussing The Three Musketeers
  • Scotsman (UK) October 3, 2011

Resident Evil: Retribution interview with director Paul W.S.Anderson from Screen Rant (UK) October 3, 2011.

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