Dirty Girl (2011)
About the film . . .
- Plot summary: A comedic story of the search for identity and the redemptive power of unexpected friendship. Danielle is the dirty girl of Norman High School. When Danielle's misbehavior gets her banished to special ed, she teams up with an innocent closet-case and together they head out on a road trip to discover each other and themselves through a funny and serendipitous friendship. [ IMDb ]
- Release date: October 7, 2011 (US)
- Official site: DirtyGirlMovie.com ... [ Facebook page ]
- Trailer (also at apple.com):
- Clip:
- Dirty Girl premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (September 12, 2010)
- From Milla's Twitter feed (@MillaJovovich):
- i have to go and meet a director in an hour, so have to get ready, but I PROMISE to keep you all updated more in the next few weeks! i'm gonna be doing alot of traveling, then there's oscar parties and i might be doing a small part in a comedy this month, so i'll b posting. have a great day every1!!! thanks so much! 11:57 AM Feb 26th
- hey! so my meeting with the director Abe Silva for a movie called "dirty girl" went great! i'm gonna do it later this month, i'm so excited! its with Juno Temple, an incredible young actress who will play my daughter! lol! a daughter my character had when she was 16! it takes place in the early 80's and its a comedy abt two teens who run away from home leaving their dysfunctional parents freaking out. william h. macy is in it too which is so gr8 cause we were supposed to do a film together that he was gonna direct which didn't happen. so now at least we get to act onscreen together instead! its a great part and i can't wait to start rehearsals!
- first day of shooting for me on my new film "dirty girl"! so exciting! Mar 29th
- Working w Juno Temple, who's a doll, so talented! And Mary Steenburgen, one of my favorite actresses! Its so fun! We're having a blast! Mar 29th
- On set of "dirty girl" w my lovely "daughter" juno temple! Mar 29th
- Here's a more "fashion" pic so u all can c the rad circa '83 clothes! Mar 29th
- And w my amazing cast, juno temple, jeremy dozier and mary steenburgen!Mary and I cld catch air w our hair alone! lol! Mar 29th
- Hey every1! I'm on set w my fave actor bill macy! We r having such a gr8 time, but pulling another late night! Tgif! Apr 9th
- I'm trying to set bill macy's twitter up on his phone, but he forgot his password! Lol! we'll get it though! Never give up, never surrender! Apr 12th
- Ok we finally have @williamhallmacy up and running on twitter folks! Say hi to him every1! Apr 12th
- Today is my last day on my new film "dirty girl", so sad! I'm having so much fun w every1, its a bummer to b done w it! Apr 13th
- Jst found out that both of my new films, "STONE" and "DIRTY GIRL" will premiere at the toronto film festival! SO COOL! I'm so happy abt it! July 29
- Salt's Cannes 2010 brochure features Milla and Juno Temple from Dirty Girl; full brochure can be viewed here. Salt's page for Dirty Girl can be found here.
[ For complete credits, check out the Internet Movie Database listing for Dirty Girl ]
Directed by Abe Sylvia
Written by Abe Sylvia
Cast (partial)
Milla Jovovich .... Sue-Ann
Mary Steenburgen .... Peggy
William H. Macy .... Ray
Juno Temple .... Danielle
Tim McGraw .... Danny
William H. Macy .... Ray
Plot summary: A comedic story of the search for identity and the redemptive power of unexpected friendship. Danielle is the dirty girl of Norman High School. When Danielle's misbehavior gets her banished to special ed, she teams up with an innocent closet-case and together they head out on a road trip to discover each other and themselves through a funny and serendipitous friendship. [ IMDb ]
Release date: October 7, 2011 (US)
![]() | Dirty Girl (2011)