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04.29.10 - Several costumes and props from Resident Evil: Afterlife will be auctioned at the Premiere Props Texas Frightmare Weekend Live Auction on Saturday, May 1 in Irving, TX. Bids can be placed online -- go to premiereprops.com for information on registering to bid. A full list of items available can be found here -- several items were worn or used by Milla!

04.27.10 - A photograph of Milla from Heroines by Bettina Rheims [ Amazon ] was used in an article in The New York Times Style Magazine (US) April 25, 2010:

Milla discusses Jovovich-Hawk designing Alice's clothes and more in this Entertainment Tonight set visit to Resident Evil: Afterlife:

CraveOnline.com set visit to Resident Evil: Afterlife:

Q: Well, are we seeing a more aggressive Alice?
"Just as aggressive as ever. Always really super aggressive and she still is but now it's even more so. I think there's a relaxation in this one for her as a character that she hasn't had in the other movies because in a way she's earned some freedom. She's taking advantage of it and making some good relationships within the movie."

Q: Is there any other action hero you'd like to play?
"Gosh, I feel like I'm sort of at the limit that I could do action wise. It would be almost disloyal to Alice to be another action Heroine so I'm kind of just doing independent films and comedies and fun things that just help me kind of grow as an actress and get better for the next Resident Evil."

Q: What's next for you?
"Well, I've got a movie that I'm working on right now called Dirty Girl which is fun. It's a comedy, not an adult film, okay? It's with a child. I'm working with a child. I'm working with Juno Temple, Mary Steenburgen, Bill Macy, Tim McGraw, a really wonderful cast of people, really fun. I play Juno Temple's mom which is really funny. I'm like an Oklahoma girl that had a baby at 16. Stone, which is pretty crazy, man. I just watched it the other night actually. It's not for everybody but it's a pretty crazy movie. It's very tense, very dramatic, just deep. It's about a man who's in prison and he's trying to convince his parole officer to pretty much say, "Look, I've done my time. Are you the only one that can judge me? How can you judge me? You've never done anything wrong." It's really talking about good and evil and where we stand in life."

[ full article ]

04.21.10 - Milla discussing her daughter Ever getting into show business:

"She's not going to be a working child. For me it's kind of creepy, the whole working kid kind of thing. We were struggling financially, we were immigrants from Russia and we really needed to succeed. My mom saw talent in me and she wanted to make the best and most out of it. There is no real use for Ever to work. I definitely want my daughter to just be a child. Work hard in school and find your passion, slowly."

"When I'm not working, I want to be with my baby. The multitasking-Milla is a thing of the past. I'm about prioritising now. I can't do all the modelling and movies that I want and still have time for my baby and my family."

[ full article ]

04.19.10 - Behind the scenes video of ICB Spring/Summer 2010 photoshoot:

04.18.10 - Ann Taylor ads:

04.13.10 - Resident Evil: Afterlife set visit from ShockTillYouDrop.com.

ICB ad, L'Oréal ad:

04.11.10 - Milla has been tweeting (@MillaJovovich) and posting pictures from the set of Dirty Girl:

  • Hey every1! I'm on set w my fave actor bill macy! We r having such a gr8 time, but pulling another late night! Tgif!
  • I'm trying to set bill macy's twitter up on his phone, but he forgot his password! Lol! we'll get it though! Never give up, never surrender!
  • Ok we finally have @williamhallmacy up and running on twitter folks! Say hi to him every1!

Harper's Bazaar (Malaysia) April 2010:

Harper's Bazaar (Singapore) April 2010:

04.05.10 - The MillaJForum is back up and running! Join other Milla fans in the forum for lively discussions about Milla and many other topics.

Milla discussing Faces in the Crowd (from FEARnet): "Faces in the Crowd is this really interesting script about this woman who gets an injury and she can't recognize faces. It's an actual syndrome, where, you turn around, and, when you look back, the person's face is totally different. And she runs away from this killer and she falls off this bridge, and pretty much the syndrome happens to her. So she doesn't recognize the killer even though she saw his face. So it's this really cool Hitchcockian thriller. It's gonna be fun."

More from WonderCon 2010 in San Francisco:

More Resident Evil: Afterlife articles:

  • SCI FI Wire (April 5, 2010) interview with Milla discussing how Alice has changed:
    "She's nicer, I think,. She is a nice person, and she's fun. I think now that she's defeated the control that Umbrella has on her; she's kind of more of a regular person in the sense that she's not so scared to make ties with people and become friends with people because she knows that they're going to be killed by Umbrella if they're close to her. It gives her a new freedom as a human being to just be more open to people around her, which I think is great, because the last few films, she has been so closed off and trying to deal with the virus and deal with this satellite control that they have, so it's made her much more of a loner. I think in this one she opens up more and is able to accept people into her life, which is wonderful."

  • Bloody-Disgusting (April 5, 2010) set visit and interview with Paul discussing the game's influence on the film:
    "I was writing the script before the game came. Once the game came out, it had huge elements that were already in the screenplay. Capcom is so funny. Every time I go to Japan and meet Capcom, it's like seeing the Umbrella Corporation. They won't give you straight answer about anything. So I kind of new they would tell me that Wesker was in the game, kind of, but never really confirming it. Sure enough, he was the main villain and he was the main villain in the movie, as well. Completely by coincidence, a large chunk of this movie takes place in a big ship and there was the ship in "Resident Evil 5". We have an awful lot of stuff that they already put into "Resident Evil 5". So I did a whole big pass on the script to bring it more in line with the imagery from the latest game because I felt the latest game was fantastic. I think it kind of reinvented the video game franchise. I wanted to take a lot of it, frankly, kind of steal from it and put it into the movie. There is a whole fight scene with Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller that's taken almost shot by shot from "Resident Evil 5". It's the one when Chris and Shiva are fighting Wesker. So we're putting Claire in there instead so it's brother and sister fighting against Wesker. So what's great in the game is its one continuous shot where the camera rotates around Wesker fighting the two and he kicks their asses. They never cut which of course, you can do in animation. It's a bit more difficult in live action. Se we're probably going to shoot the fight in 10 different segments then seam it together in visual effects. So the finished effect will be as if the camera never stops rotating around."

  • FEARnet (April 4, 2010) set visit and interview with Milla:
    Do you enjoy being back on the Resident Evil set?
    "I have an incredible life. I get to come to this set every day, act like a kid... everyone feels like a kid on this set. Guns are going hot! Zombies are coming out! You've gotta love it. We have the family together, we get to spend so much time with our baby. I have friends who hardly see their kids until the weekend. We get to see our daughter every day at lunch, and every night before sleep. We have her on LA time, so she gets to stay up later. By the time we get home from work, we have a few hours to play. It's hard when we are both working on separate projects. Next year when I go off on a new project, daddy's not going to be there. It sucks."

    How different is it for you to shoot in 3D?
    "It's pretty interesting. I got punched in the head the other day because you have to get super-close to make [a shot] work. In a normal 2D screen, you aren't seeing the same depth, so they don't see that a punch is a complete miss."

04.03.10 - Milla, director Paul W.S. Anderson, and Ali Larter presented the 3-D trailer for Resident Evil: Afterlife last night at WonderCon 2010 in San Francisco! The trailer is embedded below. Larger versions can be seen at MySpace Horror Movies.

From Milla's Twitter (@MillaJovovich):

  • I hadn't seen it w all the effects yet, OR in 3D, so it was incredibly exciting! It looks SICK!!!!!!!! WHAT?!!!! AHA, YEA BAEEEBBAAAYYY!!!!!
  • WOW!!! That was awesome! We jst PREMIERED the RE4 teaser at Wondercon in san francisco and it ROCKED!
  • We had SO MUCH fun at wondercon! Ali,Paul & I talked to a GR8 panel of ppl! Thank you guys so much 4 your enthusiasm and support of RE!!!!

Other articles:

  • ComingSoon.net (April 3, 2010) describes the trailer

  • FEARnet (April 3, 2010) reports on the trailer being unveiled at WonderCon 2010.
    Milla: "It's Resident Evil, man. It's my brother's favorite video game! What's amazing about Resident Evil is you get a chance to do a really great story and have fun. It's like going to Disneyland or going to Magic Mountain. It's fun to make a movie where you're flying and you're kicking butt and you're training and you're doing so much stuff that you would never do..."

  • MTV interview with Paul (April 2, 2010):
    You've worked with your lovely wife Milla on all these films, but this is the first Resident Evil you've shot since she gave birth to your daughter. Now that she's a mom, was Milla less eager to do some of the more hard-core stunts?
    "No, it was the other way around, in fact. I have to keep her away from dangerous things on the movie set, because she'll do absolutely anything and wants to do everything. There'll be times when I say, 'Look, you just cannot do this.'"

    Over the course of these movies, she's done some pretty insane stuff.
    "There's no stopping her. She is fearless, and she is very committed. That's the great thing about Milla -- she really commits to what she does, and that's why I think she is so good in these movies; she sells the reality of it. She's there, 150 percent. She believes in the characters, she's committed to the films and she wants to really deliver for the audience."

    It must help you save a few bucks on stunt women.
    "Well, she knows she can do it, and when you see her face doing it she delivers. She does it better than any stunt woman, that's for sure. All the stunt women we work with are great, and sometimes you do have to use stunt women because things are so dangerous that you would never want to put your leading actress in that position. You'd be irresponsible to do it. So yes, we have stunt women, but they mostly just sit around and watch Milla do it. She's an amazing, versatile actress."

  • iF Magazine (April 3, 2010) asked Milla about the possibility of more Resident Evil films:
    "I have a lot left in me, but it is really up to the fans. If they think I look good and they believe it and love it... I will make as many Resident Evil films as they want me to make. What makes these films special is that they are made such love and so much passion from everyone involved. Each film stands on its own. The films aren't made on a business level. It's not about the studios asking us to write another script. The script comes from ideas of creators and we bring it to the studio. It always comes from the inspiration and that's what's fun."

  • UGO.com (April 3, 2010) set visit and interview with Milla discussing changes to the Alice character:
    "Yeah a little bit, but I think the interesting thing about this movie is, which is one of the arguments I had with Paul, she loses her powers in this movie. It's actually a really great thing because in some sense it makes her human again which is what she always wanted. It also gives her a sense of relief to just be a badass again and not have to be a superhero and I think that shows throughout the rest of the movie a joy of just being herself again."

Finally, the official site for Resident Evil: Afterlife is up at residentevil-movie.com. International release dates can be found here.

Trailer screencaps from ResidentEvilMovies.net:

04.02.10 - High-res images from Resident Evil: Afterlife from Dale:

Don't forget, Milla, director Paul W.S. Anderson, and Ali Larter will present the 3-D trailer for Resident Evil: Afterlife and be part of a panel discussion at WonderCon 2010 in San Francisco this weekend (April 2-4, 2010). The trailer for Resident Evil: Afterlife will be online at MySpace Horror Movies tomorrow at 2:15pm.

04.01.10 - The Tommy Hilfiger Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign handbag went on sale today! From Vogue:

Milla Jovovich has teamed up with fellow supermodel Helena Christensen to front a campaign for Breast Health International in association with Tommy Hilfiger. Jovovich has modelled a bag created by the designer and has been photographed by Christensen, who fronted the campaign last year, for the images taken to promote it.

Breast Health International is a globally renowned organisation committed to finding a cure for breast cancer. Hilfiger will donate 50 per cent of the proceeds from the sale of each bag to Fund For Living, a BHI initiative.

The bag arrives in the Tommy Hilfiger flagship store today as well as online at www.tommy.com/bhi2010.

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