The Night Train to Kathmandu (1988)
About the film . . .

- Milla plays Lily McLeod
- Plot summary: Two American professors search for an ancient jewel in Kathmandu. Lily (Milla) and her little brother Andrew (Tim Eyster) befriend Prince Joharv (Eddie Castrodad), a magical prince from another world. He needs the jewel to get back to his world...but there's a greedy villain involved who wants to profit from it.
- Great line from Milla: "Well you certainly can't be in my bed without a ticket--and not even with one!!"
[ For complete credits, check out the Internet Movie Database listing for The Night Train to Kathmandu ]
Directed by Robert Wiemer
Writing credits: Ian Robert, Robert Wiemer
Cast (partial)
Milla Jovovich .... Lily McLeod
Eddie Castrodad .... Prince Joharv
Tim Eyster .... Andrew McLeod
Gopal Raj Bhutani .... Lootan
Beecey Carlson .... Siobhan
Plot summary: Two American professors search for an ancient jewel in Kathmandu. Lily (Milla) and her little brother Andrew (Tim Eyster) befriend Prince Joharv (Eddie Castrodad), a magical prince from another world. He needs the jewel to get back to his world...but there's a greedy villain involved who wants to profit from it.
Release date: June 25, 1988 (US)
![]() | The Night Train to Kathmandu (1988)