Microsoft Music Central July 1994

by Ian Cranna

A background as a Los Angeles child singer and model (with a fairy fixation) doesn't sound too promising but the twist lies in her Ukrainian family background. Milla Jovovich makes pretty, airy music somewhere between Kate Bush and Enya, with a dash of Tori Amos kookiness. It's the Bush comparison which will weigh most heavily, not just because of the folky instruments (fiddle, accordion, mandolin) used alongside the acoustic guitar and spacious strings, nor yet her use of rhythms or even those vocal swoops and glides. It's also in the way she wears her heart firmly on her sleeve while cooing about subjects from aliens to sunshine, from love to clocks. But Milla doesn't have Bush's vocal edge or drama; instead she explores her way from a feeling or phrase outwards, rather than offering a complete story. At times it's all too ethereal for its own good (though the second half is brighter and catchier), or a tad adolescent (she's still only 18). Milla already floats like a butterfly; now she needs to sting like a bee. Better will come.