Hollywood Goes Wild

Hollywood Goes Wild was a project that featured eleven popular film stars contributing their music to a special CD entitled Hollywood Goes Wild (released March 27, 2001). A portion of the proceeds benefits the Wildlife Waystation and brings attention to the plight of the wonderful and exotic animals residing at the Waystation. The Wildlife Waystation is a fully licensed, non-profit animal sanctuary located on 160 acres in the Angeles National Forest in California. Founded in 1969 and incorporated in 1977, we are dedicated to a two-fold mission:

  • To rescue, rehabilitate, relocate and provide sanctuary for exotic animals from around the world, as well as native wildlife
  • To educate the public about the global plight of wildlife and the environment, as well as the intrinsic value of wildlife diversity, protection and preservation



  • JEFF GOLDBLUM (& The Mildred Snitzer Orchestra) - Born Free'ky
  • RUSSELL CROWE (30 Odd Foot of Grunts) - The Photograph Kills
  • BRAD PITT - MidTown
  • JULIETTE LEWIS - I Can Hardly Wait
  • DOGSTAR - Your World
  • MILLA JOVOVICH (with Plastic Has Memory) - On the Hill
  • BILLY BOB THORNTON - Island Avenue
  • MARE WINNINGHAM - It's So Hard
  • BRUCE WILLIS - Crazy Mixed-Up World
  • IGGY POP and JOHNNY DEPP - Hollywood Affair