July 2013
From Milla's Twitter (@MillaJovovich):
- #twogorgeouswomen francasozzani1 and #faridakhelfa in #azzadinealaia's kitchen for dinner last night (Jul 1)
- So #azzadinealaia personally asked me if I wanted the fish or the chicken at dinner in his home last
- #christianlacroix making a toast in #azzadinealaia's kitchen with my favorite #suzymenkes to his left
- #awesome #welcometotoronto #yeswegotitspecial (Jul 8)
- #tiredbuthappy #yesnomakeup #dealwithit
- On the road for two months... #shouldhaveunpackedaftercannes #cannesnot #howcannesthishappen... (Jul 13)
- #klorane #bestthingtohappensinceshowers #ifonlytheromansknew #gettingreadyfordinnerwithmyhubbahubba
- #instantcleanhair #nofilter #shouldhaveusedafilter #filtersrock #gettingreadyfordinnerwithmyhubs
- #abitofmakeuphelps #thankgoodnessforloreal #gettingreadyfordinnerwithmyhubs #lasharchitectmascar...
- #ready #rockinlanvin #yesfilter #filtersrule
- Trying to get the whole look in a selfie is tough... #rockinlanvin #nofilter #lookslikeafilter...
- No full length mirrors in our room, so had to go in the hall! Lol! #whennomirrorshappentogoodpeople
- Me and my best friend @LiesItellmyD and I having a welcome home dinner at the awesome "Chi-Lin"... (Jul 17)
- At "chi-lin" with my uber awesome bf @LiesItellmyD testing out the food. And it ROCKS!
- So... #toomuchsugarnoway #wellmaybe #goodafternoon #imupnow #nomorecoffee #wellmaybeonemore #ohshutup... (Jul 18)
- Paul and I went to see our friend brandensteineckert playing drums for Rancid last night and got our... (Jul 27)
Paris Fashion Week, July 2013

Elle (Ukraine) July 2013 [ article ]