March 2012
From Milla's Twitter (@MillaJovovich):
- hey every1! i'm sick today, stuffed up nose, sore throat, fever, the full monty!lol! (Mar 1)
- but if u wanna laugh, paul jst found a link 2 the FULL SCI/TECH awards i presented a few weeks ago (glasses and all! lol!) n its hilarious 2 c me trying to get thru all the technical jargon! its super long, so i'm sure the first 2 minutes will give you an idea of how the evening went! lol! here's the link:
- Paul n I having an AWESOME bday dinner ON OUR OWN!!! WOOT!! (Mar 4)
- thank you @chrissbrenner 4 this pic me w wearing @LOrealparisusa "telescopic" mascara! my lashes r SICK, right ladies? (Mar 14)
- my lashes are insanely defined and really thick! the brush is super cool and tiny, so i could almost use it as eyeliner when i got real close to my lash line. then i jst used a q-tip to shape the excess mascara into a nice line around my lashes. xo m
- I'M SERIOUS! i happened to use "telescopic" and had to share the effect with my girls! i know it sounds like an ad! #but its true
- Hey every1! So paul and I r jst arriving at wondercon in anaheim n it's so exciting! We're showing a whole fight sequence 2day from RE:R! (Mar 17)
- It's amazing 2 c what ppl's reaction is gonna be! I'm nervous, but so proud of the film, I think ppl are gonna love it! Here we go!
- @NesetUraL thank you!But i always get butterflies before we show clips from RE!I'm so in love with the movie,I want ppl 2 feel it like I do!
- @RayYoWTF I don't know if this is special 4 wondercon or if they will post it online, but I'll keep u posted!
- so much fun last night w my girl @elizabethbanks celebrating the launch of "restoration hardware's" amazing new store! (Mar 22)
- and w the gorgeous @malinakerman what a blast!
- oh cool! i found another pic of the beautiful @elizabethbanks n @malinakerman what awesome girls to hang with!
From Chris Brenner's Twitter (@ChrissBrenner):
- @MillaJovovich got her hair did the way she wanted today!! Shooting in NY with Inez and Vinood 4 Marella (Mar 13)
- @MillaJovovich another new do image from me and my iPhone
- @MillaJovovich sporting a new do
- @MillaJovovich shooting the new campaign for @Marella with the incredibly talented photographers Inez and Vinood!
GapKids + DVF Collection (Diane von Furstenberg) launch, Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 2012

WonderCon2012, Anaheim, CA, March 17, 2012

Restoration Hardware's Spring 2012 Launch, Los Angeles, CA, March 22, 2012

Ryan Roche (photos by Carmen Hawk)